Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • C.A.R.E. currently shelters dogs and cats along with 2 horses and 1 cow at our 155-acre sanctuary headquarters.

  • As you explore our industry and become more knowledgeable about the options, you will discover a number of reputable sources for finding a companion animal. C.A.R.E. adheres to our C.A.R.E. GUIDELINES FOR RESCUE AND REHABILITATION set of standards regarding companion animals. We encourage you to review those standards by clicking on the link. Be aware that every reputable provider of companion animals should have similar guidelines for animal care. When you are unable to obtain those, in written form, look for your new pet elsewhere. In addition, we encourage you to ask for references from any companion animal provider before making your decision to adopt or purchase.

    Aside from the issue of standards, please be aware that we are a no-kill shelter. There is no time limit on an animal’s stay at C.A.R.E. In addition, note that we accept dogs and cats of all ages and sizes. As you become more familiar with rescue agencies and organizations, you will find that others often impose weight, size or age limits on animals they will accept. We pride ourselves on the diligent work we do in finding homes for large or mature animals as well as puppies and kittens.

    Another related subject is the issue of pet origin and history, which brings up the unfortunate issue of puppy mills. Please know that C.A.R.E. does not knowingly obtain puppies from these sources. We maintain this strict policy for a number of important reasons. The most important being the fact that the inbreeding and abuse often present in these operations results in animals that are poor candidates for adoption. To find out more on this subject, explore further in our FAQ section and newsletter articles.

  • While we can’t speak for others, all animals rescued or received by C.A.R.E. have the advantage of receiving health care per the C.A.R.E. GUIDELINES FOR RESCUE AND REHABILITATION. Click on the link to review our procedures. The licensed veterinarians who participate in the C.A.R.E. coalition certify all animals we offer for adoption.

    You should be aware that there are a wide variety of standards, and in some cases, no standards, throughout the industry including rescue organizations, shelters, pet stores and breeders. When adopting or purchasing any animal, be sure to receive a written statement of the procedures concerning the animal’s health or simply look for or ask about the CARE SEAL OF APPROVAL. The C.A.R.E. GUIDELINES FOR RESCUE AND REHABILITATION are available in printed form from our website to use as a guide for questions you should ask.

  • The animals received at C.A.R.E. have a home for the remainder of their natural life or until they are adopted. We are a no-kill shelter facility. There are always a number of animals at the shelter with us for life because of health or temperament reasons. This is the unfortunate reality of the state of animal abuse due to overpopulation by irresponsible sources.

  • The overpopulation problem of companion animals in Missouri and the United States is staggering. Millions of healthy animals are put-down every year due to a lack of available homes. By adopting a spayed or neutered animal, you are contributing to the solution. To find out more, explore our FAQ section further or browse the related articles in our newsletter.

  • Many animals come to C.A.R.E. every year in many different ways. Some are abandoned in our yard, tied to our fence, kittens left in cardboard boxes, puppies in broken crates wired shut.

    We always help when people ask for assistance, if we have the room to house the animal. We try to never turn animals away. So every year is a surprise when we total the animals we have adopted and the animals we have helped spay/neuter to prevent unwanted birthdays.

    There is no good number we can use for each year because it changes. We try to help all we can when we have room. You can help by adopting a rescue.

  • There are two answers to this question.

    First, there is a significant cost involved in the process of rescue, shelter and medical care for each of the animals we offer for adoption. Our adoption fees are not designed to generate a profit, only to partially recoup the expenses we incur to ensure that each animal is suitable for placement into its new home.

    Second, our first concern in the adoption process is to find the best home for the animals in our care. The adoption fee is your first commitment to providing a good home. We want you to know that your new pet will be an expense. With proper vet care, a nutritious diet, and general care, it may cost up to $500.00 a year to keep a companion animal. Our charges are modest considering all they include. Please click on the link to review the C.A.R.E. GUIDELINES FOR RESCUE AND REHABILITATION along with an illustration of the savings you realize in adopting a rescued animal from C.A.R.E.

  • Yes, all animals that are of sufficient age to receive rabies vaccinations do receive a rabies shot prior to being offered for adoption unless we can verify in written form that the animal has a current rabies vaccination. All animal received into our shelter are tested for rabies. In the event that you adopt a puppy or kitten, C.A.R.E. will inform you as to the proper time for your pet to receive a rabies vaccination. Although health and weight may be a factor, the generally accepted age to be eligible for a rabies vaccination is 6 months of age. Law requires that each pet’s rabies-shot must be registered by the individual owner with their local animal control agency. C.A.R.E. provides all vaccination verification for mature pets we offer for adoption.

  • A significant percentage of the dogs and cats that arrive at the C.A.R.E. shelter are purebreds. However, you may find that purebreds are not always the best choice. Often there may be concerns about irresponsible inbreeding or questionable temperament. Mixed breed dogs can be healthier and live longer lives with fewer health complications. Keep in mind that If you adopt a purebred dog or cat from C.A.R.E. it is a standard policy that the animal MUST be spayed or neutered. No exceptions.

  • This question is best addressed in 2 parts.

    First, let’s talk about puppies. Yes, we agree, “They’re so cute”. Even so, there are a number of issues you should consider. In many ways, adopting a puppy is like bringing a baby home from the hospital. There is a lot of care involved and the time commitment is substantial. Other issues to consider are crying at night, housetraining (we all know what that means), teething, diet considerations, vaccinations and related health care and, of course, training your new pet from scratch. To be fair, we also know there is a special satisfaction that comes with raising a puppy and seeing that animal grow and mature in your care. We simply want you to know that raising a puppy (or a kitten for that matter) is a considerable commitment of time, love and patience. Other considerations are the age of children in your home and the responsibilities you have to the fragile physical nature of any young animal.

    If any of the above seems overwhelming, you have the option of considering a mature dog (or cat). Mature dogs offer a number of advantages and may be a better fit for your lifestyle. Obviously, the issues listed above are normally not a factor when adopting a mature animal. When we say mature, keep in mind that we are generally speaking of animals 6 months or older so you have a lot of options. Mature animals offer a number of advantages. First, they are usually housetrained and generally don’t cry at night. Just as important is the fact that their personality is more defined, which allows you to choose an animal that is a good match for you. The staff members at C.A.R.E., who have been involved in observing and socializing your prospective pet, can provide insight into a particular animal’s personality traits. Also, if you have an active lifestyle, consider that a mature animal is all grown up and ready to join in your activities. A last item to consider is, if you have young children, a mature animal can be better matched to the home environment and ready to keep up with the children as well.

  • We realize that it may not be possible for everyone to accomplish this. Sometimes it’s a question of transportation or it may just be too tough to make a choice from among so many animals. If this is the case, we can provide a solution. Simply contact C.A.R.E. and let us know about the animal you’re looking to adopt. Our staff will be happy to do the legwork and let you know about the animals we have that fit your profile.

  • The term ‘puppy mill’ refers to commercial breeding operations where there is little to no regard for the animals’ care and welfare. While the name may suggest a large operation, puppy mills come in all sizes from very large commercial operation right down to small backyard breeders.

    These types of operations care little for responsible breeding techniques and guidelines. Extensive inbreeding is common and produces animals with associated behavioral and health problems. The result is a large number of animals that are very poor candidates to become a companion animal for the pet owner.

  • The industry primarily focuses on purebred animals although popular selected mixed breeds are affected as well. Most of the animals produced by this industry end up for sale in pet stores. Others are destined for research facilities. Still others end up in the hands of rescue organizations.

    The tragedy of this situation is immense. The horror stories being exposed are bad enough, however the suffering extends well beyond the abuse that exists in these operations. Pet owners who end up with an animal produced by a ‘mill’ often discover their new pet has behavior or health issues that results in a huge burden of financial expense and unhappiness.

    One answer is in choosing to adopt instead of purchasing your puppy. In boycotting the pet store industry, you help in reducing the demand that feeds puppy mills. If you are set on purchasing, contact a responsible breeder, the AKA has references, and do your homework. Be aware that even if you choose to adopt, you will still need to ask questions and get your answers in writing. Some rescue organizations use puppies obtained from mills as ‘fund raiser’ dogs. The watchword today for those considering a puppy is ‘buyer and adopter beware’.

    Another choice is to look at the option of adopting a mature dog. The advantage here is that any health or behavioral problems will have surfaced and been identified. There are far less surprises and you’ll be doing your part to help eliminate the problem we have with puppy mills in our country.